Miłosz - 2008-04-28 18:21:09

Tak jak w temacie. (Nie-)stety po angielsku, ale mam nadzieję, że na tym forum nie ma takich leni, co nie umieją sobie przetłumaczyć przez google/translate // zrozumieć tekst.

Ever wanted to play Call Of Duty 4 on veteran Difficulty but backed down because you heard how hard it is? Well if you read this guide and follow these skills you just might get those achievements you want so bad.

1.    Always reload when you can. If you don't have a full mag and you go running into combat you're either really dead or really lucky 90% of the time it's the first one. Reload when you can so you don't have to do it in a combat situation.
2.    Take cover. The most basic rule of modern combat, if you don't take cover you're going to get hit and if you get hit in veteran for more than 1 second than your going to see yourself collapse to your side and some quote about war. Don't choose the flimsy cover like plywood, sheet metal, behind cars, glass and furniture. In COD 4 they use a system where these more traditional covers in other First-Person-Shooter games become obsolete and are penetrable and flimsy. So bottom line walls, trees, buildings and some other items are the only useful cover you can find. If you don't choose your cover right the first time than well, try something else the second time.
3.    Go Prone. If you go Prone and slowly edge around your cover than the terrorists hardly notice you assuming that the enemy is at eye level, so take advantage of this weakness.
4.    Shoot in controlled Bursts. Fully automatic fire, like in real life gets inaccurate and is a waste of ammunition, but controlled bursts aimed correctly at the head are far more effective. Use your reflex sight to get a shot then pull back the trigger and quickly release it to fire a burst.
5.    Throw back Grenades. Something that Call of Duty 4 lets you do that other games don't is the option to throw back Fragmentation grenades, so your oppositions friend becomes their enemy. Always try to throw back grenades other wise they may explode and you get severly injuired or worse killed. On veteran difficulty the terrorists almost have an infinite supply of these bad-boys so don't be afraid to throw 'em back.
6.    Flash-Bang grenades. Using a flash-bang grenade is very useful when you want to stun enemies, clear a building, stun enemies then run or just to use them as a decoy. Flashbangs are non lethal so they don't kill but they blind and deafen enemies temporaily so you can go in for the kill. When use in conjunction with a shotgun it's quite deadly.
7.    Pistol and Knife. Besides your primary weapon you have a secondary and a melee weapon. switching to your side arm or secondary weapon is always faster than realoding your primary. The pistols in this game pack a major punch and one head shot can be fatal. There have been people that can mow down an entire enemy squad with a pistol. The knife is a melee weapon that kills in one hit. Keep in mind when you finish your knifing motion than your weapon won't avalible for a second and thats all it takes for the terroists to neutralize you.
8.    boom, bang. There is a variety of explosives in COD 4. ranging from the frag grenade to the airstrike. The only problem is how to use them correctly. The frag grenade is mainly used to clear buildings and can ruckashay of a wall. The M203 grenade launcher can be use on infantry, to a deadly effect or on a troop landing helicopter which destroys it and leaves fewer troops for you to fight.
9.    Snipe. Sniper Rifles can be found in numerous positions around levels and using one is easy and can take out multiplte squads. The best thing to do is go prone in a hidden area and start using headshots.
10.    Know when to retreat. Remeber that message you recieved on the first mission of COD 4 "Your Hurt! Get to Cover (call of duty 4 instruction)!" yeah you should follow that here as well because checkpoints are hard to find so dying isn't the ideal thing to do.
11.    Pulling and Releasing. There is a snaping to enemy feature in COD 4, like past Call of Duty games. Pulling on left trigger when aiming near an enemy will get you an automatic aim at them giving you a great opurtunity to kill. Doing this on multiple enemies a great way of neutralizing a squad.

•    Some missions are harder. So don't expect the same amount of troops on every level.
•    Patience. If you don't have it don't play, because Call of Duty 4 Veteran difficulty is very frustrating and even in some cases the controller and TV screen became friends. Or in other words you chuck your controller in to the screen out of frustration.
•    Play on other difficulties first. If it's your first time your not going to survive very long.
•    try a different control scheme. Sometimes the default control scheme may not be the best. Try a couple of different ones to see if you like those better.
•    Change the sensitivity. If you turn up the sensitivity it will become more responsive, just keep in mind a higher sensitivity isn't necessarily better.
•    Use COVER, not CONCEALMENT. Concealment hides you visually from the enemy. Examples of this is tall grass or bushes. Cover hides you visually AND protects you from enemy fire. Examples of this are low walls, tree trunks, or buildings.
•    Look for cracks in the walls of a building's rubble. Usually, you can see through them to the areas outside. These are perfect sniping locations because you are almost perfectly concealed by the building, but you can still shoot out at the enemy.
•    When in an urban setting, avoid sniping from a building where people spawn. Eventually, it may be overrun and enemies will be spawning behind you! Also, enemy snipers will already be attacking that building, and you don't want to draw any unnecessary attention to yourself.
•    When in a building, imagine the window is a picture frame. It frames the area you want to shoot. Make it as small as possible around a choke point, like a building entrance or street intersection by stepping away from the window. This focuses your attention on your target area, and also hides you from enemy snipers. DO NOT stand right up to a window; now it frames you as a perfect target!
•    Avoid unnecessary shots; continuous misses will only reveal your position.
•    Switch your pistol for a better weapon as soon as possible. Preferably, get an assault rifle, trench gun, or submachine gun. These will be extremely handy when defending yourself against enemy infantry.
•    If an enemy sneaks into your building, stay away from the entrance to your room. Hide behind a piece of furniture or etc., and when they enter, shoot them quickly with your pistol or other side arm. Aim for the head. Surprise is a MUST, if they catch you first with their more powerful weapon, you're toast!
•    If an enemy countersniper sees your position, don't hesitate to hide. He now knows exactly where you are and is scoped in on your position. If possible, leave and find a new position.
•    When in a very dangerous or exposed position (a balcony, large window, etc.) or any sniping position where you have cover, use the Duck-and-Shoot technique. For example, let's assume you're at a balcony with a low ledge protecting you. Even when crouched, you're very vulnerable to enemy fire. Stay crouched to search for enemies. When you see one, take a quick shot (don't hold breath or really aim, just shoot), then go prone so you can chamber the next round. Do not move your mouse. Then, pop back up, shoot, and prone. Rinse and repeat. By not moving your mouse, your crosshairs will be at the same place, allowing you to quickly fire at the same enemy. This technique is very useful against enemy snipers.
•    Always duck back to cover when reloading or working the bolt to chamber the next round. There is no sense in leaving yourself exposed.
•    Countersniping enemy newbie snipers is an easy way to get kills. Find good cover, and watch the window of buildings occupied by enemies. If you see some irregular blob... shoot! If you're not sure, shoot! Enemy snipers are one of your greatest dangers from the outside when sniping. Only they share your advantage of accuracy, one hit kill, and magnification.
•    PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE: Practice makes perfect! Only through online practice against human beings will you learn the skills necessary to be a good sniper!
•    NEVER stand on the window ledge or lean out the window of a building. Yes, you'll have a much larger field of fire, but now many more enemies can shoot back at you!
•    Keep your distance from large windows or open balconies.
•    Remember: Don't expose yourself unnecessarily. (move to cover when reloading, stay away from windows and ledges, etc.)
•    Reload whenever possible. Program yourself to always fill up your rifle when the action slows down, that way you'll always be ready when many targets appear.
•    Do not throw grenades and shoot as little as possible
•    Never stay at 1 place for more than 15 mins (they will find you)unless you are in your own territory
•    Stay behind cover at all times. Your character’s aren’t wearing much in the way of armor. Headshots (and the bad guys WILL score these on you) will either send you into the red or kill you in a single hit. Be careful!
•    Find hard cover. Call of Duty 4 is one of the first games to introduce the concept of “Soft Cover”. Thin materials like sheet metal and plywood can be shot THROUGH, either to get at your enemy, or for him to get to you. Find something hard like a brick wall or a tank to hide behind.
•    Stay well away from cars and red barrels. Both of these will explode if shot repeatedly. Granted, you do earn the “Roadkill” Achievement for being killed by an exploding car, but its best not to let it happen repeatedly.
•    Watch for enemies with RPGs. Rocket-Propelled Grenade launchers are more dangerous than just about anything else. They will destroy both you and the vehicle you may be riding in, so take them out as soon as you see them!
•    Follow your teammates. They may save your life and you may get an Achievement for saving theirs. Either way, it’s best to have them around and in good health.
•    Beware of the dogs! At many points in the game, you will be confronted with attack dogs. Take them out quickly before they go for your jugular!

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